Qymatix Solutions GmbH


Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7
76131 Karlsruhe
0721 9658 670



  1. Lucas Pedretti

Qymatix is a recently founded start-up on the field of cloud-based business intelligence.

Its on-line products will soon enable executive managers to get a faster sales planning, an interactive sales data visualization and an active sales forecasting. By means of recurrent usage, customers will gain an edge against competitors while getting better insights, undercover risks and enriched CRM data.

Was wir suchen


Will create marketing communication material, info graphics, user stories, e-newsletters, and engage with social media (LinkedIn / Twitter / Xing).

Will need positive attitude, excellent verbal communication, professionalism and interpersonal skills. Team spirit and drive to collaborate will definitely make a difference.

  • Wir bieten:

    Three months internship opportunity of 20 hours per week. Flexible schedule so you can continue to pursue your education. A fantastic opportunity to learn hands on the job in a professional yet unstructured environment.